Me: Nick, I've finished the website and am a little frustrated by the day care hospice here. I'm thinking about packing up and going to Mozambique for the next couple of months to learn Portuguese.
The Dean: Well, what about this residential hospice in Tlokweng? I could really use someone to take the reins on that one and push it along.
Me (thinking): Inpatient hospice? Let's see... do I know anything about paliative care? Nope. Fundraising? Well, I sold popcorn when I was a boyscout. And there was that christmas wrapping stuff, I think I ended up winning a cool phone out of that. Construction planning? Eh, two months in Shreveport... not really enough. Project management? Nuh uh.
Me (out loud): Ok, I'll do it.
You learn to swim in the deep end, right? If you know ANYBODY interested in AIDS, cancer, palliative care, or sub-Saharan Africa, please send them my way. I need experts, I need money, and I need all the advice I can get to pull this off.
This, by the way, is what the site looks like now. The plot I'm working with goes from the wall on the left side to the point of the triangle on the right:

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