Monday, November 06, 2006

Learning to be Lost: The Broadmoor Story

Occasionally, though less often with the passing of years, I still hear people ask, What happened to Mark?

Generally, this refers not to my rather nomadic nature, but to the transformation I went through just after high school. After having been heavily involved and invested in a Southern Baptist church in my hometown called Broadmoor, my worldview turned upside down, and I haven't been inside the place since without squirming a little bit.

I have finally taken the time to write that story, a story that is close enough for me to write it with emotion but distant enough now that I can do so without any bitterness. I wrote it for myself - much the same way one writes about a past girlfriend or a memorable trip whose details are beginning to get fuzzy around the edges. It is a story worth telling, though; if it is one you'd like to hear, let me know.


Thomas said...

gimme gimme!

Richard Bourbon said...

I definitely want to hear.

barclay said...

you know i'd like to hear it

John Koon said...

hey mark...i'd love to hear it. i've enjoyed keeping up with you on your blog, by the way.

Howard said...


I'd like to learn from your story. Recently I met a 42 year old man here in Shreveport that shared with me a very similar to the one you shared about yourself a few years ago. Anyway, my email is

I'd love to get together sometime while you are in town.