Thursday, September 20, 2007

Setting up Shop

Thanks to Craig Smith and John Newman, MPI Ecuador at last signed on a house lease yesterday. The place is a pretty great deal - six bedrooms, two atriums, two living rooms, three baths and a terrace from which you can see both mountains Pasochoa and Cotopaxi - all for less than a third of what I paid for one room at Vanderbilt University.

At the risk of overloading my any Luddite readers out there, I'd like to share a Google Maps image of our house as well as the areas in which we'll be working - the house is the northernmost blue dot. And if you scroll way out, you'll find Gringolandia, where I'm currently surviving.

View Larger Map

If you're reading in facebook, go to my blog to see the embedded image.

Also, if you'd like to see photos of us climbing Pichincha, the mountain overlooking Qiuto, check out Zak's Photos.

1 comment:

kep said...

congratulations on the housing! and more pictures of manna's work, please :)