Monday, June 02, 2008

Welcome to Absurdistan

Follow me, if you will, around this Kafkaesque - and very real - circle of logic:
  1. In order to work legally for MPI in Ecuador, I need an Ecuadorian visa.
  2. To get a visa through MPI, MPI must be registered as an Ecuadorian nonprofit.
  3. For MPI to be registered as an Ecuadorian nonprofit, we have to find five people living in Ecuador who have bank accounts with at least $400 in them to serve as Directors.
  4. To make sure MPI retains control of its Ecuadorian organization, I have to be named President of those Directors.
  5. To be named President of said Directors, I have to have an Ecuadorian bank account.
  6. To get an Ecuadorian bank account, I have to show two forms of identification: a passport anda "censo," an immigrant ID card.
  7. In order to get a censo, I need an Ecuadorian visa.

God gives the nuts, but he does not crack them. (Franz Kafka)